Placing an Order

Ordering Guidelines

  • Orders must be through our  online ordering portal or in writing by post, fax or email. Phone orders are not accepted. Department of Health requires that we retain the proof of your order.

  • Your Stoma Entitlement Card Number (NSW Stoma membership number) must be placed on the order form to receive appliances.

  • Department of Health also requires us to collect your 11-digit Medicare number with each order to enable us to claim your products under the SAS. (DVA gold card members who do not hold a Medicare card should submit their DVA Gold details instead). If you provide us with a copy of your card you do not need to supply these details with each order. If you are issued with a new card please provide a copy at that time.

  • You must know the Brand name and code number of the appliances you are using so that you can fill out the order form correctly. If you are not sure the NSW Stoma staff or your Stomal Therapy Nurse will advise you but for your convenience you should write it down and reference it for future orders. Please ensure the product codes quoted are correct as goods will be supplied in accordance with this code. NSW Stoma staff are not permitted to provide product advice.

  • If ordering supplies not on the SAS or in addition to SAS allowances, please add these to the form. Payment must be received with the order.

  • Once an order has been submitted, it generally cannot be altered or added to. However, separate order can be submitted for any additional products required and they will be supplied within the conditions of the Stoma Appliance Scheme Operational Guidelines. A separate postage fee will need to be paid if having this order posted.

  • Orders not clearly marked for pick up will be posted at the member’s expense.

  • Please include a mobile phone number and email address to receive delivery notifications.

  • If your mobile phone number has been provided, an SMS will be sent when a pick-up order is ready for collection.

  • Australia Post will send delivery notifications to mobile numbers provided.

  • Allow a MINIMUM of 5 business days from the day we receive the order to process and dispatch.

  • Orders are processed in the order in which they are received and in the month the supply is for.

  • Orders for the current month must be received by the 25th of that month to ensure we have time to process your order before the end of the month.

For orders received for future months, we aim to dispatch within the first 5 business days of that month


Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS) – Your Entitlement

  • Members are entitled to one supply per month only.

  • All orders are processed within the guidelines of the scheme.

  • Orders cannot be backdated.

  • Maximum quantities are determined by the scheme to ensure the clinically appropriate use of products and the sustainability of the scheme. Please do not order more than you need.

  • When supplies of 2 or more products are requested and they have the same purpose (as determined by the scheme) then the maximum amount for each product must be reduced accordingly. e.g. if 2 products with the same purpose are supplied equally then the maximum amount for each should be reduced by 50%.

  • The two-month ordering cycle is only available to members who have had their stoma for six months or more.

  • If you need more than the maximum allowed quantity per month you must obtain a specific form from your Stomal Therapy Nurse authorising the extra supply.

  • You can also purchase additional supplies at your own expense. Please ask us for prices.

  • When travelling overseas you may obtain up to 6 months of supply in advance. Proof of travel is required. You will also need to complete an Application for Additional Supplies – Travel. 


Processing Times



  • Please allow a minimum of 5 business/working days from the day we receive the order to process and dispatch. Orders are sent using Australia Posts eParcel service and delivery times vary according to location. Alternatively, you can collect your order from our Stanmore location during our advertised collection times.

  • Orders are processed in the order in which they are received and in the month the supply is for.

  • Orders for the current month must be received by the 25th of that month to ensure we have time to process your order before the end of the month.

  • For orders received for future months, we aim to dispatch within the first 5 business days of that month.

Postage Fees 


  • You must send $15 to cover the cost of postage and handling within NSW.

  • Department of Veteran Affairs Gold Card holders are covered by Veterans Affairs and are not required to provide money.

  • Postage may be paid via direct deposit (please use your member number and name as the reference), cheque (please make out to NSW Stoma Ltd) or credit card.

  • If you would like an order sent express post the cost is $25.00 for a single order and $40.00 for a double order within NSW.

  • There is a $5 service fee for orders collected from our premises.


Care of your Stoma Products


  • Please keep your supplies in a cool area

  • You may benefit from a Stomal Therapy Nurse reviewing your products if you are experiencing problems with your stoma. An STN review can ensure that you are using the correct product and that any damage to the skin is addressed.

For more information about the Scheme and its rules and regulations, please go here.