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Allen Nash
Allen brings to the position extensive skills in financial management and governance having worked with boards and CEOs advising on strategic planning as well as coaching CEOs. He has held twelve board positions including on a $6 billion superannuation fund and a successful venture capital firm (>$200 million invested). Most of the board positions Allen previously held are in the not-for-profit sector. Allen is a partner in EDAN Consulting, providing a range of services predominately in the children’s and community services sectors.

Ian Niccol
Ian joined NSW Stoma in August 2021 as volunteer treasurer. With a Bachelor of Business (Accounting), Ian is a qualified Chartered Accountant and has worked with some of Australia’s leading restructuring and advisory firms. Ian is cofounder of highly regarded accounting firm Aston Chace Group.
With over seventeen years’ of formal restructuring experience, Ian specialises in advising mid-market clients and stakeholders. Ian has been an ostomate since May 2021 and is proud to be an advocate and support the organisation that works on behalf of members.

Renee Constantin
An ostomate since 2015, Renee is a passionate advocate for ostomates and has used social media, online blogs and articles to raise awareness and share her experience as a young ostomate. In 2019 Renee founded Ostomingle, a support group for young ostomates in Sydney. It aims to bring young men and women with stomas together to share experiences, ask questions, and learn from each other. Renee teaches English as a second language with a focus on communication skills and facilitating negotiations between groups. She holds a Master of Applied Linguistics.

Carol Quast
Carol Quast joined the NSW Stoma Limited’s board in 2016 and served as chair in 2019-2020. An educator by profession, Carol has worked as teacher both in Australia and England, as a tertiary advisor to trainee teachers at UTS, and as a lecturer and tertiary adviser at Goldsmiths & Southbank University UK. Carol held the board position of Chairperson at a large comprehensive boy’s high school in England for five years. Since 2016, Carol has been running creative writing workshops for Story Factory, Sydney. Carol plays a major role in our Member Information and Education Days.

Ian Murray
Ian joined the NSW Stoma Limited’s board in 2016. Currently working as a consultant with experience in information technology and logistic and knowledge management, Ian has worked for Macquarie University, IBM, Canon, and Brambles. Ian has held positions on the board as secretary, acting chairman and director and has been instrumental in updating IT infrastructure, phone systems, and software upgrades to benefit NSW Stoma Limited and its members.

Eugene Tomczyk
An ostomate since 2002, Eugene served on the previous Colostomy Association NSW Management Committee since 2014, joining the NSW Stoma Limited’s board from 2016 to 2018. Eugene rejoined the board in 2019. He has run small businesses and has been involved in various community organisations, serving on the boards of RSLs and community clubs. Eugene currently volunteers regularly for several charitable organisations including NSW Stoma, assisting with our pick-up service and other office duties.

Graham Lawson
Graham holds a Masters of Commerce (Professional Accounting) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Economics/Law and has 30 years experience working within the public health system in corporate services and major project management.
Graham was moved to nominate for the board following his experience in the NSW Stoma member information and education days.
Graham is passionate about equity of access to services.

Lynda Frost
Lynda has been secretary of the Newcastle District Ostomy Support Group since 2016. Lynda has a range of experience across the public and private sectors in education and training, local government, financial services, travel, manufacturing, and engineering. She is currently employed in the vocational education and training sector. Lynda has experience in management and small business, marketing and communications, finance and administration services, and information and communications technology. Lynda is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, having held board positions in the financial services and travel industries. As a board director she has also been a member of audit and risk management committees. Lynda also operates her own business providing online business management services.

Joneen Troup
Joneen joined the board in 2024. She has been a grateful recipient of NSW Stoma support since 2019 when she joined the ostomate community.
Joneen was the manager of a community college and a not-for-profit registered training organisation (RTO) for 23 years before recently retiring. She has advanced degrees in education and science and previously taught in the high school and TAFE environments. Joneen was the coowner of a small business, managing finance and human resources, and currently serves on an education board and a sports committee. She is a proud parent of two adult children and grandparent to two grandchildren.